So, I missed yesterday and I think it's official that I need to start my make-a-blog-post-everyday-for-a-month goal over. So, that's what I am going to do; I'm going to start my goal again on Sunday since it's the first of September and it will just make it easier for me to keep track of. I'm not going to post anything interesting today because I'm tired and just want to go to bed. Look forward to looking at lots of sweet things tomorrow and Saturday though.
0 down, 30 to go.
See you guys later.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Ao no Exorcist
Since it's the only anime on my list of top four favorite series that I haven't talked about yet. I absolutely love this series. I believe the reason I started watching this series was because of Anime News Network. I was just browsing their site one day and they had a banner for the series; I thought the art style was nice and that it looked interesting and so that day I went and looked into it and fell in love.
I find the religious aspect of the anime interesting and normally that would have made me balk at the series, but I like it despite these things that normally would have made me turn away.
I really love the characters in this series, there aren't many of them that I actually can't stand or anything, although I'm not a big Shiemi fan, but I tend not to be a fan of her character type.
I've gone over pairings for this series and I'm still not going to divulge my favorite/guilty pleasure/awful pairing that I like that shouldn't exist because, 1, it's awful and, 2, I'm sure that it's not that hard to guess what it is so I shouldn't need to say what it is... It's the only pairing that I've ever liked that's like this and I hate myself for liking it, but I do anyway... Like I said, I'm sure it's not hard to guess what it is if you know that series...
Well, not much else to say about it. I love it. Watch it. There you go.
25 down, 6 to go.
Tomorrow I have class so hopefully there will be pictures of yummy things.
I find the religious aspect of the anime interesting and normally that would have made me balk at the series, but I like it despite these things that normally would have made me turn away.
I really love the characters in this series, there aren't many of them that I actually can't stand or anything, although I'm not a big Shiemi fan, but I tend not to be a fan of her character type.
I've gone over pairings for this series and I'm still not going to divulge my favorite/guilty pleasure/awful pairing that I like that shouldn't exist because, 1, it's awful and, 2, I'm sure that it's not that hard to guess what it is so I shouldn't need to say what it is... It's the only pairing that I've ever liked that's like this and I hate myself for liking it, but I do anyway... Like I said, I'm sure it's not hard to guess what it is if you know that series...
Well, not much else to say about it. I love it. Watch it. There you go.
25 down, 6 to go.
Tomorrow I have class so hopefully there will be pictures of yummy things.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Food/Beverage Ops And Adventures On The Bus
I had my Intro to Food and Beverage Operations class today; we went to a "luxury retirement community." It was a really nice place and it was interesting to see such a unique aspect of the food and beverage industry.
I also had a "fun" time with the bus today. I was supposed to get on the bus for home at 5:59, but apparently in the week since I took this bus before, they changed the schedule! Meaning I had no idea that instead of the 101 like I usually take; I needed to have taken the 80. I had to wait at the bus stop for two hours before I was able to finally get on the bus to take me home.
Anyway, sorry about the rant. I'll be talking about anime tomorrow, so, see you then.
24 down, 7 to go.
I don't have anything to say here...
I also had a "fun" time with the bus today. I was supposed to get on the bus for home at 5:59, but apparently in the week since I took this bus before, they changed the schedule! Meaning I had no idea that instead of the 101 like I usually take; I needed to have taken the 80. I had to wait at the bus stop for two hours before I was able to finally get on the bus to take me home.
Anyway, sorry about the rant. I'll be talking about anime tomorrow, so, see you then.
24 down, 7 to go.
I don't have anything to say here...
Sunday, August 25, 2013
And Then There Was More Fanfiction
Another fanfiction day is here and my little sister helped choose the one I'm going to post today by picking a number between 1 and 94; very scientific way of making decisions.
So, thanks to my little sister, you guys get to read a fic for Kuroko's Basketball.
Series: Kuroko's Basketball
Pairing: Maybe Aomine/Kise
Title: Challenge
He was so tired of sports.
Everything was so easy for him.
Was too easy for him.
He had never found anyone that could beat him.
Until he met Aomine.
They played basketball all the time and no matter how many times they played he could just not beat the other.
He wasn’t angry though.
In fact he was ecstatic.
Finally a challenge.
He almost didn’t want to win, then the challenge would be gone.
And he’d have no excuse to hang out with the tall basketball player.
But for now, he’d try his best.
I'm not even that big a fan of this pairing; I just wrote it because I like writing random pairings sometimes and I feel like this pairing (or at least from this perspective) isn't completely crack. Well, I don't really have much to say about it today, so, yeah.
23 down, 8 to go
I almost didn't blog today, but I prevailed!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Missed A Day... Sorry
So, yeah, I didn't make a post yesterday... I didn't get home until 10 and then I kind of forgot; I was very upset with myself when I realized it this morning. Nothing I can do about it now though. I'm still not going to make myself start over because I have only missed two days and I think I can be okay with that. It does mean that my goal won't actually be reached until September 2nd now though, but I am going to keep this up!
Today is Saturday, meaning it is time to post pictures and talk about my week. Is everyone ready? Then here we go.
Sunday August 18th:
I couldn't think of anything to take a picture of that day so I just took a picture of some of my lucky cats. I actually have six of them altogether, but they're not all in the same place so I just took a picture of these ones. I'm actually slightly obsessed with lucky cats; every time I see one I want to buy them, but most of the time I am able to resist. These guys were pretty cheap fortunately.
Monday August 19th:
Monday was my first day taking classes at the Santa Rosa Junior College Culinary Center so I figured I would take a picture of the view from the second story of the center. This is my third year attending the school (only the first at this campus though). I think it's really great that I'm going to be able to get my AA without having to transfer or anything because there's no way that I'd ever be able to afford to go to culinary school. Thanks to SRJC I'm able to work towards my dream degree.
Tuesday August 20th:

If you remember, I made rainbow cookies on Tuesday, but I really liked how the come out so I decided to put up another picture. It was also a blue moon on Tuesday and so I decided to take a picture of the moon as well. It's really hard to take a picture of the moon though, so I apologize for the glare... I'm bad at taking pictures...
Wednesday August 21st:

I couldn't think of anything to take a picture of yet again, so, I opted for the cookies that my mom was making that evening. The ones on the left turned into rainbows and the ones on the right eventually got rainbow mains and became unicorns. I thought that they were pretty cute. And now no one has to wonder where my interest in baking/pastry came form...
Thursday August 22nd:
I know that I posted this picture already, but I only took one picture on Thursday, so, you get to look at this one again. We finally cut into this one this morning and it was so delicious, I'm really glad that I decided to make this one. I would have eaten the whole thing by myself, but fortunately my family and friends ate most of it and I was only able to get two pieces, otherwise I would have hated myself.
Friday August 23rd:

On Friday I made a lemon curd tart and raspberry sandwich cookies. The tart was for assessment, that's why there's a pieces missing. I ended up getting a 16/20, which is a B-; I think I'm okay with that. It was my first assignment of the class and all, so, I think I did pretty well. After I finished my tart I decided to make some cookies that the teacher had demonstrated a few days before and that's what you see there. I really love raspberry so that's one of the reasons that I decided to make them too. They were really easy too because I just made them out of the leftover tart dough.
Saturday August 24th:
I actually got this new phone on Thursday, but I didn't take a picture of it until today, so, yeah. I got a new phone. I'm not necessarily excited about it though. The only reasons I got a new phone were, one, I kind of lost my old one somewhere... and, 2, I've been needing a new phone; my old one sucked, it was a 7 year old Go-phone, so it was time to upgrade.
Altogether this week was pretty nice. I am really loving my Intro to Baking and Pastry class, so, that's nice. I can't wait to get in the kitchen and make more stuff next week. Look forward to lots of pictures of food.
22 posts down, 9 to go.
Hopefully I won't miss any more days...
Today is Saturday, meaning it is time to post pictures and talk about my week. Is everyone ready? Then here we go.
Sunday August 18th:
Monday August 19th:
Monday was my first day taking classes at the Santa Rosa Junior College Culinary Center so I figured I would take a picture of the view from the second story of the center. This is my third year attending the school (only the first at this campus though). I think it's really great that I'm going to be able to get my AA without having to transfer or anything because there's no way that I'd ever be able to afford to go to culinary school. Thanks to SRJC I'm able to work towards my dream degree.
Tuesday August 20th:
If you remember, I made rainbow cookies on Tuesday, but I really liked how the come out so I decided to put up another picture. It was also a blue moon on Tuesday and so I decided to take a picture of the moon as well. It's really hard to take a picture of the moon though, so I apologize for the glare... I'm bad at taking pictures...
Wednesday August 21st:
I couldn't think of anything to take a picture of yet again, so, I opted for the cookies that my mom was making that evening. The ones on the left turned into rainbows and the ones on the right eventually got rainbow mains and became unicorns. I thought that they were pretty cute. And now no one has to wonder where my interest in baking/pastry came form...
Thursday August 22nd:
I know that I posted this picture already, but I only took one picture on Thursday, so, you get to look at this one again. We finally cut into this one this morning and it was so delicious, I'm really glad that I decided to make this one. I would have eaten the whole thing by myself, but fortunately my family and friends ate most of it and I was only able to get two pieces, otherwise I would have hated myself.
Friday August 23rd:
On Friday I made a lemon curd tart and raspberry sandwich cookies. The tart was for assessment, that's why there's a pieces missing. I ended up getting a 16/20, which is a B-; I think I'm okay with that. It was my first assignment of the class and all, so, I think I did pretty well. After I finished my tart I decided to make some cookies that the teacher had demonstrated a few days before and that's what you see there. I really love raspberry so that's one of the reasons that I decided to make them too. They were really easy too because I just made them out of the leftover tart dough.
Saturday August 24th:
I actually got this new phone on Thursday, but I didn't take a picture of it until today, so, yeah. I got a new phone. I'm not necessarily excited about it though. The only reasons I got a new phone were, one, I kind of lost my old one somewhere... and, 2, I've been needing a new phone; my old one sucked, it was a 7 year old Go-phone, so it was time to upgrade.
Altogether this week was pretty nice. I am really loving my Intro to Baking and Pastry class, so, that's nice. I can't wait to get in the kitchen and make more stuff next week. Look forward to lots of pictures of food.
22 posts down, 9 to go.
Hopefully I won't miss any more days...
Thursday, August 22, 2013
First Day In The Kitchen
So, as I'm sure so can tell by the title of this post, today was the first day that I got to work in the kitchen in my culinary class. It was so awesome! Our assignment for today was to make a sweet tart, we're supposed to have it done by the end of class tomorrow, but I already got mine done. I made an almond tart.
I was pretty pleased about how it came out. There are a few things wrong with it; one thing wrong is that the chef didn't tell us that there were two types of tart pans, shallow and deep, and we weren't supposed to use the deep ones... Well, I accidentally grabbed a deep one. I also got a little shrinkage; if you can see around the edges, it's kind of uneven, that's because the dough kind of pulled in on itself while it was baking.
All together I'm happy with how it came out though. I am; however, going to make another one tomorrow and hopefully have the chef assess that one instead. Now that I know how to avoid the mistakes I made I can fix them and make a better tart; I'll make sure to take a picture of that tomorrow too.
So, it looks like this is becoming more of a food blog than an anime blog, but, don't worry, I'll find a way to get more anime in here yet.
21 posts down, 10 to go.
I've gotten pretty good at keeping this up.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
TMoHS And A Slight Change Of Schedule
The anime I am going to talk about today is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TMoHS):
TMoHS was, not long ago, my favorite anime, but sadly it was recently replaced by Tiger & Bunny. I still absolutely adore this series and consider it to be my second favorite series though. Since I'm horrible at explaining things I am going to copy and paste the plot description that Wikipedia gives:
"The story follows the narrator and male protagonist Kyon, a cynical and incredulous student entering high school, who is dragged along by the title character and female protagonist Haruhi Suzumiya (who is Kyon's classmate). She is an eccentric girl seeking supernatural phenomena and figures wush as aliens, time travelers, and espers. She establishes with Kyon's reluctant help, a club to investigate mysterious events called the SOS Brigade, Haruhi later recruits three additional members: the laconic bibliophile Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the friendly transfer student Itsuki Koizumi. These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon as the extraordinary characters Haruhi, who is unaware of her own destructive reality warping power, is seeking. The three additional members have been sent by their various organizations to observe Haruhi and prevent these powers from being unleashed, leaving to Kyon the task of maintaining for Haruhi the illusion of a normal life."
Usually I'm not the biggest fan of Sci-Fi, but I love this series, mostly because the Sci-Fi isn't at the front and foremost of the series, instead it's more about the comedy and romance. One reason that I really love this series is the characters. Although this series is no longer at the very top of my favorite anime list, Kyon still holds the title of my number one favorite anime character. I also really like Itsuki, of course, and I'm a huge fan or Ryoko Asakura - despite her attempts to kill Kyon.
I already told you that my favorite pairing is Itsuki/Kyon, but I also slightly enjoy - and have written a tiny short story for - Ryoko/Yuki (inspired by the movie more than anything).
I also needed to talk about a slight change of my weekly schedule that is going to happen. I started another one of my culinary classes today and realized that I am going to be doing a LOT of baking during them, meaning, instead of having my baking day be on Tuesdays, I am going to have three baking days and those will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'll be making sure to take lots of pictures during my classes (since I'm aloud to) and I'll post them here on those days. I am also going to be moving my anime day to Tuesday starting next week to make it easier on myself.
Hope no one minds that change.
20 down, 11 to go.
Tomorrow I should be making a tart.
TMoHS was, not long ago, my favorite anime, but sadly it was recently replaced by Tiger & Bunny. I still absolutely adore this series and consider it to be my second favorite series though. Since I'm horrible at explaining things I am going to copy and paste the plot description that Wikipedia gives:
"The story follows the narrator and male protagonist Kyon, a cynical and incredulous student entering high school, who is dragged along by the title character and female protagonist Haruhi Suzumiya (who is Kyon's classmate). She is an eccentric girl seeking supernatural phenomena and figures wush as aliens, time travelers, and espers. She establishes with Kyon's reluctant help, a club to investigate mysterious events called the SOS Brigade, Haruhi later recruits three additional members: the laconic bibliophile Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the friendly transfer student Itsuki Koizumi. These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon as the extraordinary characters Haruhi, who is unaware of her own destructive reality warping power, is seeking. The three additional members have been sent by their various organizations to observe Haruhi and prevent these powers from being unleashed, leaving to Kyon the task of maintaining for Haruhi the illusion of a normal life."
Usually I'm not the biggest fan of Sci-Fi, but I love this series, mostly because the Sci-Fi isn't at the front and foremost of the series, instead it's more about the comedy and romance. One reason that I really love this series is the characters. Although this series is no longer at the very top of my favorite anime list, Kyon still holds the title of my number one favorite anime character. I also really like Itsuki, of course, and I'm a huge fan or Ryoko Asakura - despite her attempts to kill Kyon.
I already told you that my favorite pairing is Itsuki/Kyon, but I also slightly enjoy - and have written a tiny short story for - Ryoko/Yuki (inspired by the movie more than anything).
I also needed to talk about a slight change of my weekly schedule that is going to happen. I started another one of my culinary classes today and realized that I am going to be doing a LOT of baking during them, meaning, instead of having my baking day be on Tuesdays, I am going to have three baking days and those will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'll be making sure to take lots of pictures during my classes (since I'm aloud to) and I'll post them here on those days. I am also going to be moving my anime day to Tuesday starting next week to make it easier on myself.
Hope no one minds that change.
20 down, 11 to go.
Tomorrow I should be making a tart.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Rainbows And Cookies
Baking day happened. I had to make some cookie dough for my mom because she had a bunch of cookie orders to do tonight and since today is the day I'm supposed to blog about baking I decided to make an extra batch of dough and cut out some fun cookies for my little siblings.
So, here is how I made some rainbow cookies.
1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2-3 tablespoons milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In mixing bowl mix butter and sugar until creamy. Add egg and vanilla and mix until well combined. Add flour, baking powder, and salt then mix until large crumbs form. Add milk one tablespoon at a time until dough comes off edges of bowl and sticks together. Form into a disk.
Allow to cool for a few moments before moving to a wire rack and cooling further. When completely cooled they can be moved to a plate.
Eat and enjoy.
These cookies are pretty fun to make and really easy. My little brother and sister love them too. I don't know if when I actually start my baking days that I'll be doing a step by step thing like this, but we'll see. Hope you like the recipe.
19 posts down, 12 to go.
Anime day tomorrow, I'll probably be talking about an old favorite...
So, here is how I made some rainbow cookies.
1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2-3 tablespoons milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In mixing bowl mix butter and sugar until creamy. Add egg and vanilla and mix until well combined. Add flour, baking powder, and salt then mix until large crumbs form. Add milk one tablespoon at a time until dough comes off edges of bowl and sticks together. Form into a disk.
Split dough into six balls. Poke a hole in each one with your finger and squirt a few drops of food coloring into each one, yellow, orange, red, blue, green, and purple. Cover up the whole and then roll the dough in your hands until the color is well mixed through the dough.
Squish the different colors back together and roll out to about 1/4 inch.
Take cookie cutter of your choice and cut out cookies, placing them on a cookie sheet about 1/2 inch apart. Put in oven and cook for 11 minutes.Allow to cool for a few moments before moving to a wire rack and cooling further. When completely cooled they can be moved to a plate.
Eat and enjoy.
These cookies are pretty fun to make and really easy. My little brother and sister love them too. I don't know if when I actually start my baking days that I'll be doing a step by step thing like this, but we'll see. Hope you like the recipe.
19 posts down, 12 to go.
Anime day tomorrow, I'll probably be talking about an old favorite...
Monday, August 19, 2013
Culinary Classes A Go
I started my first culinary class today! Yay! It's only Introduction to Food and Beverage Operations so there's not going to be any cooking involved, but I do start Introduction to Baking and Pastry on Wednesday so I am very much looking forward to that. I do think that this class is going to be interesting though; we're going to be visiting a bunch of business in the industry and have a lot of guest speakers. We're going to be getting a lot of looks into different areas in the culinary field. I'm nervous and excited for the class on Wednesday, but I think I'll be okay.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my baking day, but because it's not September yet and I'm not sure if I have ingredients to make anything, we'll see if something happens.
18 down, 13 to go.
Sorry for such a short post.
Tomorrow is supposed to be my baking day, but because it's not September yet and I'm not sure if I have ingredients to make anything, we'll see if something happens.
18 down, 13 to go.
Sorry for such a short post.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Pictures and Fanfiction
Alright, so first, as promised, the pictures that I took last week.
Sunday August 11th:

Sunday August 11th:
If you read my post for Sunday you know that my siblings and I watched the premier of the English dub of Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning on Neon Alley; so, I took a picture of my Play Station 3 to represent that. One of the big reasons I bought this system was so that I could watch Neon Alley on it because originally it was only available on the PS3. I feel kind of silly having bought it now, but there are some games that I enjoy playing on it, like Flower; that game is super pretty.
Monday August 12th:
I have gotten further on my blanket (even further now; I'm almost finished with it) and so I took another picture of it on Monday. I know you can't really tell how big it is from my pictures, but when I finish it I'll make sure to spread it out on my bed or something so you know how long it is. This blanket has taken a good chunk of time, but more than that; it has used a lot of yearn. I've had to buy about 14 or 15 skeins in order to complete it. Also, it is much cheaper to buy yourself a blanket than it is to make one; I knew that ahead of time. I'm making the blanket because I want to make one, not because I need a blanket.
Tuesday August 13th:
On Tuesday my little brother and sister finished the pots that they had made at our grandparents with the little pot throwing kit that my mom bought for them. I found them sitting on the bench out on the deck drying when I went out to take more pictures in the back yard and decided that they were adorable and much more worthy of pictures. The smaller, yellow and purple, one was made by Skye, my little sister, and the taller one was made by Sean. I thought it was really cute that Sean made a flower to go in the pot too.
Wednesday August 14th:
Sigh, I did not take a picture this day; I was too lazy or busy or something. I know, there's no excuse, but I am going to keep at this no matter what. Also, I think it's pretty good that so far I've only missed one day each week I've done this so far. I am going to try and get rid of that no-picture day though. I am!
Thursday August 15th:
This is a plush of the pokemon, munna, that I bought when I went to Anime Expo earlier this year. The reason that I purchased this plush is because, well, I like munna, but also because my family went through and decided which pokemon we would all be and I am a munna. The reason I am a munna is because we're both always tired and have trouble sleeping. I think munna are pretty cute; I wish I was a mareep instead though because they're my favorite. If you're interested in my siblings poke-sonas; Jason is a snorelax (yeah, we're mean to him) Tad is a Sudowodo, Sean is a Munchlax (he even went as one to AX), and Skye is a Clefairy (she went to AX as a Clefa though because we didn't have enough time to male her a tail). My mother does not have a poke-sona because we all decided that she's obviously our trainer.
Friday August 16th:
More plush, yay! Anyway, these are the only plush of anime characters I own. Mikado and Masaomi from Durarara. The reasons I got these two are, 1, I love the characters obviously and, 2, they're some of the only anime plush that I've seen that I didn't think looked really weird; I thought the designs for these two were pretty good. I love them so much and I had to get both of them, partly because I love both of them and... yeah, mostly because I ship them...
Saturday August 17th:
These are just a very small few of the many pictures that I took when my family and I (minus Jason and Tad) went to the car show that I told all of you about yesterday. Once again, I am not a really big fan of cars so I really just took pictures of ones that I thought looked interesting. I also decided to take pictures of all the purple cars (that's my favorite color) and that's what these are (the one that looks more reddish has purple paint inside the hood so I took a picture anyway).
There you have it, my week in pictures. I'll make sure not to skip out on doing that when I'm supposed to from now on; I was just really tired last night.
Now on to what I'm supposed to post today, even though this post is already really long...
I think I want to post one of my Strawberry Panic fics for some reason...
Series: Strawberry Panic
Pairing: Very slight Yaya/Tsubomi
Title: Not Cute at All
She wasn’t cute
at all.
Tsubomi pouted as she watched Yaya
flirting with Hikari once again.
The pink-haired girl finally interrupted them, she was sick of watching
her crush hit on another girl.
Yaya turned her head to look at the
pouting girl, she had her arms around Hikari and had been busy nuzzling her
face into the blond’s neck before she was interrupted.
She gave the other an annoyed look,
“You’re being inappropriate.” Tsubomi replied as she folded her arms over
her chest,
Yaya stuck he tongue out at the first
year, “You’re not cute at all.”
Tsubomi looked shocked and hurt for a
split second before glaring at the older girl.
She dropped her hands to her sides and
balled them into fists, trying to look angry and not reveal that inside she
felt like she was going to cry, “Well, I don’t care, I don’t want you to think
I’m cute.”
Yaya sighed and removed herself from
Hikari, “No need to get upset.”
“I’m not.” Tsubomi replied, folding her arms over her
chest once again as she looked away from the other girl.
“Don’t be like that.” Yaya said as she walked over to the
pink-haired girl and hugged her around the waist, resting her head on her
shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
Tsubomi blushed dark red; Yaya was so
“I- I don’t care.” Tsubomi huffed, before breaking out of the
other girl's grip, trying to will the color in her cheeks away as she stomped
out of the room.
Okay, maybe she
was a little cute.
So, there so have a random Strawberry Panic fic... one of the few Yuri fics I've written... I should really write more... Anyway, Yaya/Tsubomi is one of my favorite pairings form this series so that's why I decided to post this one today; I have a ton of Amane/Hikari and I'm not even the biggest fan of them (I mainly wrote them because my friend really likes that pairing). I hope people like my writing... sorry it's short and boring...
So, tomorrow is the first day of school for me and I will finally be starting my culinary classes so I'm looking forward to that (and dreading it at the same time...); meaning tomorrow I'll probably be blogging about that. I hope people care...
17 down, 14 to go.
Wish me luck at school.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
A Slight Change Of Plans
Today is supposed to be the day that I post up all the pictures I took this week and tell you about any fun things that happened, but I'm too tired to go through my pictures right now; so, I'll post that stuff up tomorrow along with some fanfiction.
Instead I'm going to talk about my day. Originally I was supposed to work until four today, but five minutes after getting to work my manager came up to me and apparently she had sent me a text - that I didn't get because I'm bad at keeping my phone around - not to come in because we were over on hours. Normally this would have been annoying, but it was actually really nice because then I got to spend the day with my family instead. After my mom picked me back up from work we hit the house again so she could finish getting ready for the day and we could pick up Sean and Skye. We than went downtown to "Nostalgia Days," which is basically a car show; I'm not really into cars, but it was fun anyway (I'll post some pictures from that up when I'm on tomorrow). After the car show we headed down to San Francisco. We had been planning on going today anyway right after I got off work, but since I got off so early we decided to head down sooner. When we got there we picked up some taffy and hung out at the pier before having dinner and then heading to, what we had originally been planning to go to and what I had been waiting for for about a month, Blue Exorcist the movie. The premier of the English dub was being shown in one of the theaters there and it was awesome. I took my little brother and sister - while my mom went and saw a different movie - and they loved it.
I thought the movie was really good. I loved the new characters - Usamaro is freaking adorable - and I thought that the story was pretty good. I loved getting more flashbacks of when Rin and Yukio were little - they are just as cute if not more - and I loved being able to see Shiro again - even if only in flashback (I love Shiro; I really wish he had been in the anime/manga more...). I thought the movie had a good message and it almost made me cry a little so it had to have something going right if it was enough to make me feel such emotions.
It was also really fun seeing the movie in theaters with other fans as opposed to the way I usually see anime movies, which is just finding them online and watching them on my computer. It was fun to see how all the other fans reacted to certain scenes and laughing together with everyone else. There were also a few cosplayers there - only two - so that was fun as well. I had actually seen the Japanese version of the movie already (I saw it when I went to AX earlier this year) and it was nice to see how things were translated; I also really like the English cast they have for the series and am so pleased with how much English voice acting in anime has improved in what I swear is like one or two years; I swear not that long ago I used to hate dubs, but I think things have definitely gotten better.
Alright, so I kind of went off topic there a bit. All in all, I had a lot of fun today. Again, I'll be posting pictures from the week tomorrow.
16 down, 15 to go.
We're past the halfway point.
Look forward to pictures and fanfiction tomorrow.
Instead I'm going to talk about my day. Originally I was supposed to work until four today, but five minutes after getting to work my manager came up to me and apparently she had sent me a text - that I didn't get because I'm bad at keeping my phone around - not to come in because we were over on hours. Normally this would have been annoying, but it was actually really nice because then I got to spend the day with my family instead. After my mom picked me back up from work we hit the house again so she could finish getting ready for the day and we could pick up Sean and Skye. We than went downtown to "Nostalgia Days," which is basically a car show; I'm not really into cars, but it was fun anyway (I'll post some pictures from that up when I'm on tomorrow). After the car show we headed down to San Francisco. We had been planning on going today anyway right after I got off work, but since I got off so early we decided to head down sooner. When we got there we picked up some taffy and hung out at the pier before having dinner and then heading to, what we had originally been planning to go to and what I had been waiting for for about a month, Blue Exorcist the movie. The premier of the English dub was being shown in one of the theaters there and it was awesome. I took my little brother and sister - while my mom went and saw a different movie - and they loved it.
I thought the movie was really good. I loved the new characters - Usamaro is freaking adorable - and I thought that the story was pretty good. I loved getting more flashbacks of when Rin and Yukio were little - they are just as cute if not more - and I loved being able to see Shiro again - even if only in flashback (I love Shiro; I really wish he had been in the anime/manga more...). I thought the movie had a good message and it almost made me cry a little so it had to have something going right if it was enough to make me feel such emotions.
It was also really fun seeing the movie in theaters with other fans as opposed to the way I usually see anime movies, which is just finding them online and watching them on my computer. It was fun to see how all the other fans reacted to certain scenes and laughing together with everyone else. There were also a few cosplayers there - only two - so that was fun as well. I had actually seen the Japanese version of the movie already (I saw it when I went to AX earlier this year) and it was nice to see how things were translated; I also really like the English cast they have for the series and am so pleased with how much English voice acting in anime has improved in what I swear is like one or two years; I swear not that long ago I used to hate dubs, but I think things have definitely gotten better.
Alright, so I kind of went off topic there a bit. All in all, I had a lot of fun today. Again, I'll be posting pictures from the week tomorrow.
16 down, 15 to go.
We're past the halfway point.
Look forward to pictures and fanfiction tomorrow.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Now I'm In A Webcomic Mood
So, I'm currently watching a livestream counting down the last three hours of a kickstarter for the webcomic Mahou Shounen Fight, which is a series I absolutely love; I own all of the chapters so far and have pledged a good deal to this kickstarter to support them. So, I want to talk about webcomics now.
Obviously I enjoy Mahou Shounen Fight!
It's a really good, warmhearted series. The creators describe it as a "magical girl comic with boys." It's lovely and silly and wonderful and people should read it.
Another series that I absolutely adore is The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal. It's a series about a man named Amal who comes out to his conservative parents, gets disinherited, gets drunk, and wakes up to find TJ - a blond guy with dreads - cooking in his kitchen. The two then go on a road trip across the country to Amal's sisters graduation. Love this series! It has some mature moments unlike the before mentioned comic so be warned about that, but the mature moments are small and easy to skip over if you don't want those. Read this, it updates on Tuesdays... It's good; I consider it to be my favorite web comic.
Yes, all the webcomics I read are slash, yaoi, BL, m/m, whatever you want to call them. Don't be surprised: I'm pretty sure I've warned you that most of the stuff I enjoy has to either by yaoi or have enough slash able characters to keep me satisfied.
Another webcomic I enjoy is Grayscale:
Mainly I'm just going to talk about the webcomics that I have actually bought printed versions of, so yeah... I like Grayscale; it's set in a world where there are people that can transform into dragons and phoenixes (is that the proper plural...?) and they don't like each other... I'm bad at explaining things... It's a good series too.
The last webcomic that I actually own a printed version of is Teahouse. It's the most mature out of the webcomics that I own. Hence the 18+ only in the corner there... This series is good too. You should read everything that I tell you to with out me giving a good explanation of what it is because I'm just that awesome... Sorry, I'm just not very good at explaining things. If you like yaoi and you like webcomics, you should give these guys a try. Also if anyone actually reads this and has read any of these series please talk to me about it (especially TJ and Amal - that's my fave).
So, not much else to say about that; I'll probably talk about other webcomics that I enjoy later - the ones that I don't own, but we'll see about that. Anyway, I think it is time for me to go.
15 down, 16 to go.
Tomorrow is, tell-you-about-my-week day; so, see you then.
Obviously I enjoy Mahou Shounen Fight!
It's a really good, warmhearted series. The creators describe it as a "magical girl comic with boys." It's lovely and silly and wonderful and people should read it.
Another series that I absolutely adore is The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal. It's a series about a man named Amal who comes out to his conservative parents, gets disinherited, gets drunk, and wakes up to find TJ - a blond guy with dreads - cooking in his kitchen. The two then go on a road trip across the country to Amal's sisters graduation. Love this series! It has some mature moments unlike the before mentioned comic so be warned about that, but the mature moments are small and easy to skip over if you don't want those. Read this, it updates on Tuesdays... It's good; I consider it to be my favorite web comic.
Yes, all the webcomics I read are slash, yaoi, BL, m/m, whatever you want to call them. Don't be surprised: I'm pretty sure I've warned you that most of the stuff I enjoy has to either by yaoi or have enough slash able characters to keep me satisfied.
Another webcomic I enjoy is Grayscale:
Mainly I'm just going to talk about the webcomics that I have actually bought printed versions of, so yeah... I like Grayscale; it's set in a world where there are people that can transform into dragons and phoenixes (is that the proper plural...?) and they don't like each other... I'm bad at explaining things... It's a good series too.
The last webcomic that I actually own a printed version of is Teahouse. It's the most mature out of the webcomics that I own. Hence the 18+ only in the corner there... This series is good too. You should read everything that I tell you to with out me giving a good explanation of what it is because I'm just that awesome... Sorry, I'm just not very good at explaining things. If you like yaoi and you like webcomics, you should give these guys a try. Also if anyone actually reads this and has read any of these series please talk to me about it (especially TJ and Amal - that's my fave).
So, not much else to say about that; I'll probably talk about other webcomics that I enjoy later - the ones that I don't own, but we'll see about that. Anyway, I think it is time for me to go.
15 down, 16 to go.
Tomorrow is, tell-you-about-my-week day; so, see you then.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Let's Talk About Pets
So, I've told you all about my babies, Kuro and Shiro:
They are just way too cute; I love them so much!
Anyway, I figured that now would be a good time to talk about all of the other pets that my family owns.
We have a hamster, Cove, who is the families pet:
He doesn't like having his picture taken.
My little sister has a pet parakeet named Scarlet:
She got her for Christmas two years ago.
The last pet we have belongs to my brother Tad; it's a tortoise named Bud:
I couldn't get that great a picture of him because he didn't want to come out of his cave.
Yeah, we have a few pets as you can see. You'll probably be seeing more pictures of these guys later on so look forward to that.
14 down, 17 to go.
Sorry this post was so short.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tiger & Bunny
Anime day has come upon on once again. And today the topic is going to be one of my favorite anime of all times; Tiger & Bunny. Tiger & Bunny is about a group of super humans called, NEXT. NEXT are humans that are born with a genetic mutation that causes them to have some form of super power. The main characters, Kotetsu (Wild Tiger) and Barnaby Brooks Jr., both have "hundred power," which boosts their physical abilities 100 times, but it only lasts 5 minutes. This anime is very similar to a lot of western super hero comics, but (I'm not really a big fan of most super heroes) I really enjoy it despite that.
If you're looking for an anime to show someone that you want to help get into anime this is a very good one for them to try. Like I said it has a lot of western ideas and it is very easy to follow. I have two brother, both of which say that they hate anime (both to different degrees). One of them will refuse to watch any anime and the other will consent if I seriously recommend it, because he knows that if I seriously recommend one to him he usually ends up liking them (he's watched and enjoyed; Death Note, Samurai Champloo, and Bleach all thanks to my recommendations). So, I convinced Jason (the one who will watch anime if I seriously say he should) to watch Tiger & Bunny and he did enjoy it; this anime is so good though that Tad (the one who won't watch anime) actually ended up watching it with us and reluctantly admits that he enjoys it as well. So, yes, even non-anime fans enjoy this anime.
13 down, 18 to go
Moral of the story... Watch Tiger & Bunny.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Cookies And Heroes Of Cosplay
Alright, so I was thinking about making a trifle today, but then I found out that my mom needed help on a cookie order instead - my mom runs a small online cookie business. So, instead of making a trifle i got to make 50 sugar cookies. They're not very exciting, but here's a picture of them:
Like I said, not that exciting, but once my mom is done icing them they come out awesome; these ones are going to be Guam seals.
Since my baking didn't really happen today; I'm going to talk about some shows instead. First off is Face Off, it's a special effects make-up competition that I love and have been watching for the last three seasons. the fifth season just started tonight and I enjoyed it as usual, but what I was really looking forward that started tonight was Heroes of Cosplay. Heroes of Cosplay is a show about cosplay competitions. It is so awesome! I am a cosplayer myself; I'm sure you could have guessed that from my obsession with anime, but now you know. So, watching this show is just so amazing to me; I wish I could do half of what the people competing in these contests are able to do.
Well, I know that post was short, but I have to get up early tomorrow and take the bus to Santa Rosa to test my route for when I have to go up there for school starting next week (I hate testing bus routes for the first time), so I'm not looking forward to that. Tomorrow is my anime day; so, I'll probably be talking about Tiger & Bunny since I love it and I still haven't watched anything new - I will hopefully be starting some new series' in September.
12 down, 19 to go.
Wish me luck on the bus tomorrow.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning And A Small Rant
Anyway, sorry about the rant, I was just pretty upset. I really do enjoy the Tiger and Bunny movie usually though. I know some people are iffy about it because the first half of the movie is very similar to the first few episodes of the anime, but there are some bits that give us more in depth looks at the characters. There is this one scene specifically that is in the movie, but not the anime; it's a scene where Kotetsu has a flashback montage about Tomoe and it makes my heart melt a little bit every time I see it. I'm a huge Barnaby/Kotetsu fan, but the relationship that Kotetsu had with Tomoe just seems so sweet and I know that she was and always will be a big part of who he is and I just love him so much. Anyway, enough ranting, I think the movie is good and if you like Tiger and Bunny you should watch it.
Well, there you go for today.
I know I said that I won't be starting my weekly baking until September, but maybe I'll try to make something tomorrow.
11 down, 20 to go.
Maybe I'll make a trifle tomorrow...
Sunday, August 11, 2013
First Fic Of Many
Hello everyone! And by everyone I mean no one... Today is the day when I post up fanfiction, but I don't really know what to put up... Part of my wishes I did have readers just so I could get opinions on what fanfics people would be interested in reading. So... I'm going to go with one from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but which one... Alright, I've chosen.
The following is a very small one-sided Itsuki/Kyon fic; It's tiny and not much happens it it, but you know. I think it's the best starting fic to use. So, here it is.
Series: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Pairing: One-sided Itsuki/Kyon
Title: Mask
The following is a very small one-sided Itsuki/Kyon fic; It's tiny and not much happens it it, but you know. I think it's the best starting fic to use. So, here it is.
Series: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Pairing: One-sided Itsuki/Kyon
Title: Mask
I sigh as I
slowly walk to the club-room that I am supposed to make my way towards after
school everyday. The smile that I use to
hide behind, my mask, is not currently on my face, for at the moment there is
no need for it, but the moment I make my way into that room I will have to put
it firmly back into place, as hard as it is to keep there when I’m around him.
I know that
it’s wrong, I can’t feel the way I do about him, if it were to get out there
would be way to many things at risk, as much as it hurts and as much as I want
to say, "I don’t care," and throw everything away, I know that I can’t. I can’t risk the safety of the world just
because of my selfishness.
Besides he
doesn't feel the same way. He’s always
shooting glances at the other’s, yes, every once in while he’ll look my way,
but it’s always with an annoyed or frustrated look on his face and I know that
part of that is my fault, but it still hurts and there is nothing that I can do
about it.
I sigh
again, I have reached the door to the club-room, I dread opening it. It hurts so much trying to hide everything,
they all think that I’m so carefree, but that’s only because of this dumb act
that my superiors forced upon me. I want
nothing more then to throw it away and do something for myself, but I know that
I can’t.
I take a
deep breath and run a hand through my hair before slowly reaching for the
doorknob. I grab it and twist it,
pulling the door open and making sure that my mask is back in place before it
swings open all of the way.
“Sorry, I’m
late.” I say in my usually cheerful
voice as I walk into the room, once again back in character.
There you have it. I hope that someone likes it. Anyway, I don't really have anything to say about it except for... I love ItsKyon! Even sad one-sided fics.
10 down, 21 to go.
Tomorrow is nothing day... I'll have to come up with something interesting to write about.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Saturday Run-Down
So, I know that I didn't blog yesterday; I tried really hard, I was in the middle of writing my post, but then I had to leave and I didn't get back until way late (very early this morning). I'm going to be okay with it this first time. It just means that instead of my goal being finished on August 31st, it will be finished on September 1st; I just won't give myself credit for yesterday since I don't deserve it. Next time this happens though (unless I have a really good excuse, like I'm sick or something) my punishment will be my month of blogging starting over from day one. Anyway, on to the rest of this post.
I said that on Saturdays I am going to post the pictures that I took over the week and talk a little about them.
Sunday August 4th:

On Sunday I took a picture of my babies, which I know I put a lot of pictures up of already, but oh well, have some more; they are just way too cute. That's also the day I took pictures of how the blanket I am knitting is coming along; I've done more now, but I'll post an update picture of that later.
Monday August 5th:

On Monday I went out into my backyard and took some pictures of the flowers that grow back there along with our big tree and a flock of geese that flew by; I was especially excited about the geese because I was just about to walk back inside when I heard them flying over head and I was able to turn my camera back on and snap a picture just before they were out of sight again.
Tuesday August 6th:
Wednesday August 7th:

Wednesday I received a package of Asian sweets that I had ordered and among them was a moon cake, which is traditionally eaten during the moon festival in China, but I just really wanted to try one. I thought the cake was extremely beautiful and the little tin box it came in was pretty too; unfortunately, I wasn't all that found of the taste, but it was a fun experience. We also made Irish Soda Bread to go along with dinner that night and for dessert I made rock cakes, which are basically just like scones, but a little more moist and easier to make.
Thursday August 8th:

My favorite of the flowers that grow in my backyard are the pink ones so on Thursday I was back out there taking more pictures of them. I think they are really pretty; I just wish that they weren't starting to wilt...
Friday August 9th:
Unfortunately I also didn't manage to take a picture this day either, unlike missing blogging I shouldn't have had any excuse for not taking at least one picture; it only takes a few seconds... Well, all I can do is keep up the picture taking
Saturday August 10th:
Not much else to say, my week was pretty uneventful - as they usually are. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting stuff to talk about next week.
9 down, 22 to go.
I am going to keep up with this blog no matter how many days I accidentally miss here and there.
I really want to keep this up.
Hope I entertain someone out there.
I said that on Saturdays I am going to post the pictures that I took over the week and talk a little about them.
Sunday August 4th:
On Sunday I took a picture of my babies, which I know I put a lot of pictures up of already, but oh well, have some more; they are just way too cute. That's also the day I took pictures of how the blanket I am knitting is coming along; I've done more now, but I'll post an update picture of that later.
Monday August 5th:
On Monday I went out into my backyard and took some pictures of the flowers that grow back there along with our big tree and a flock of geese that flew by; I was especially excited about the geese because I was just about to walk back inside when I heard them flying over head and I was able to turn my camera back on and snap a picture just before they were out of sight again.
Tuesday August 6th:
Went back to my backyard again; I didn't take all that many pictures out there that day because I was already taking a bunch of pictures of all the stuff we cooked and baked that day.
Wednesday August 7th:
Wednesday I received a package of Asian sweets that I had ordered and among them was a moon cake, which is traditionally eaten during the moon festival in China, but I just really wanted to try one. I thought the cake was extremely beautiful and the little tin box it came in was pretty too; unfortunately, I wasn't all that found of the taste, but it was a fun experience. We also made Irish Soda Bread to go along with dinner that night and for dessert I made rock cakes, which are basically just like scones, but a little more moist and easier to make.
Thursday August 8th:
My favorite of the flowers that grow in my backyard are the pink ones so on Thursday I was back out there taking more pictures of them. I think they are really pretty; I just wish that they weren't starting to wilt...
Friday August 9th:
Unfortunately I also didn't manage to take a picture this day either, unlike missing blogging I shouldn't have had any excuse for not taking at least one picture; it only takes a few seconds... Well, all I can do is keep up the picture taking
Saturday August 10th:
On Friday I finally put the bed that my mom had ordered for me together - I wasn't able to take a picture of it until today though, so that's why it's in the Saturday section. For the longest time my mattress has just been lying on the floor and it's been causing me back problems so it was nice to finally get this made. It took me three hours to build, but I did it. I really like it too, because - as I'm sure you can see - it has a small bookshelf at the headboard and it also has some drawers underneath. So, I have more storage now, which I have been needing.
Not much else to say, my week was pretty uneventful - as they usually are. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting stuff to talk about next week.
9 down, 22 to go.
I am going to keep up with this blog no matter how many days I accidentally miss here and there.
I really want to keep this up.
Hope I entertain someone out there.
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