Sunday August 11th:
If you read my post for Sunday you know that my siblings and I watched the premier of the English dub of Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning on Neon Alley; so, I took a picture of my Play Station 3 to represent that. One of the big reasons I bought this system was so that I could watch Neon Alley on it because originally it was only available on the PS3. I feel kind of silly having bought it now, but there are some games that I enjoy playing on it, like Flower; that game is super pretty.
Monday August 12th:
I have gotten further on my blanket (even further now; I'm almost finished with it) and so I took another picture of it on Monday. I know you can't really tell how big it is from my pictures, but when I finish it I'll make sure to spread it out on my bed or something so you know how long it is. This blanket has taken a good chunk of time, but more than that; it has used a lot of yearn. I've had to buy about 14 or 15 skeins in order to complete it. Also, it is much cheaper to buy yourself a blanket than it is to make one; I knew that ahead of time. I'm making the blanket because I want to make one, not because I need a blanket.
Tuesday August 13th:
On Tuesday my little brother and sister finished the pots that they had made at our grandparents with the little pot throwing kit that my mom bought for them. I found them sitting on the bench out on the deck drying when I went out to take more pictures in the back yard and decided that they were adorable and much more worthy of pictures. The smaller, yellow and purple, one was made by Skye, my little sister, and the taller one was made by Sean. I thought it was really cute that Sean made a flower to go in the pot too.
Wednesday August 14th:
Sigh, I did not take a picture this day; I was too lazy or busy or something. I know, there's no excuse, but I am going to keep at this no matter what. Also, I think it's pretty good that so far I've only missed one day each week I've done this so far. I am going to try and get rid of that no-picture day though. I am!
Thursday August 15th:
This is a plush of the pokemon, munna, that I bought when I went to Anime Expo earlier this year. The reason that I purchased this plush is because, well, I like munna, but also because my family went through and decided which pokemon we would all be and I am a munna. The reason I am a munna is because we're both always tired and have trouble sleeping. I think munna are pretty cute; I wish I was a mareep instead though because they're my favorite. If you're interested in my siblings poke-sonas; Jason is a snorelax (yeah, we're mean to him) Tad is a Sudowodo, Sean is a Munchlax (he even went as one to AX), and Skye is a Clefairy (she went to AX as a Clefa though because we didn't have enough time to male her a tail). My mother does not have a poke-sona because we all decided that she's obviously our trainer.
Friday August 16th:
More plush, yay! Anyway, these are the only plush of anime characters I own. Mikado and Masaomi from Durarara. The reasons I got these two are, 1, I love the characters obviously and, 2, they're some of the only anime plush that I've seen that I didn't think looked really weird; I thought the designs for these two were pretty good. I love them so much and I had to get both of them, partly because I love both of them and... yeah, mostly because I ship them...
Saturday August 17th:
These are just a very small few of the many pictures that I took when my family and I (minus Jason and Tad) went to the car show that I told all of you about yesterday. Once again, I am not a really big fan of cars so I really just took pictures of ones that I thought looked interesting. I also decided to take pictures of all the purple cars (that's my favorite color) and that's what these are (the one that looks more reddish has purple paint inside the hood so I took a picture anyway).
There you have it, my week in pictures. I'll make sure not to skip out on doing that when I'm supposed to from now on; I was just really tired last night.
Now on to what I'm supposed to post today, even though this post is already really long...
I think I want to post one of my Strawberry Panic fics for some reason...
Series: Strawberry Panic
Pairing: Very slight Yaya/Tsubomi
Title: Not Cute at All
She wasn’t cute
at all.
Tsubomi pouted as she watched Yaya
flirting with Hikari once again.
The pink-haired girl finally interrupted them, she was sick of watching
her crush hit on another girl.
Yaya turned her head to look at the
pouting girl, she had her arms around Hikari and had been busy nuzzling her
face into the blond’s neck before she was interrupted.
She gave the other an annoyed look,
“You’re being inappropriate.” Tsubomi replied as she folded her arms over
her chest,
Yaya stuck he tongue out at the first
year, “You’re not cute at all.”
Tsubomi looked shocked and hurt for a
split second before glaring at the older girl.
She dropped her hands to her sides and
balled them into fists, trying to look angry and not reveal that inside she
felt like she was going to cry, “Well, I don’t care, I don’t want you to think
I’m cute.”
Yaya sighed and removed herself from
Hikari, “No need to get upset.”
“I’m not.” Tsubomi replied, folding her arms over her
chest once again as she looked away from the other girl.
“Don’t be like that.” Yaya said as she walked over to the
pink-haired girl and hugged her around the waist, resting her head on her
shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
Tsubomi blushed dark red; Yaya was so
“I- I don’t care.” Tsubomi huffed, before breaking out of the
other girl's grip, trying to will the color in her cheeks away as she stomped
out of the room.
Okay, maybe she
was a little cute.
So, there so have a random Strawberry Panic fic... one of the few Yuri fics I've written... I should really write more... Anyway, Yaya/Tsubomi is one of my favorite pairings form this series so that's why I decided to post this one today; I have a ton of Amane/Hikari and I'm not even the biggest fan of them (I mainly wrote them because my friend really likes that pairing). I hope people like my writing... sorry it's short and boring...
So, tomorrow is the first day of school for me and I will finally be starting my culinary classes so I'm looking forward to that (and dreading it at the same time...); meaning tomorrow I'll probably be blogging about that. I hope people care...
17 down, 14 to go.
Wish me luck at school.
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