Yep, still alive. I want to give this yet another go. I'm making it my goal to write one blog post a day for a week once again. This will hopefully help me get back into blogging regularly.
So, let's talk about how things are going to go this time around.
I already have a little weekly schedule that I want to follow and it goes a little something like this:
Sunday - Talk-About-Myself Day
* On Sunday's I will share something about myself; a story from my childhood, my favorite something, or maybe I'll talk about my family.
Monday - Baking Day
* I will bake on this day (as long as work isn't too crazy that day) and then post pictures and talk about what I made.
Tuesday - I-Don't-Have-Anything-Specific-To-Talk-About-Planned Day
* No specific topic for Tuesday's I'll just talk about what I'm in the mood to talk about that day.
Wednesday - Fan-Fiction Day
* I'll post and talk about one of my many works of fan fiction
Thursday - Original-Works Day
* I'll post something about one of my original stories, maybe a small piece of one of them, maybe a character bio, or maybe a synopsis.
Friday - Anime Day
* This is trying to be an anime blog after all.
Saturday - Weekly-Wrap-Up Day
* Much like last time I hope to give a quick overview of the week using pictures I've taken in that time.
Those are the plans - at least until the school semester starts then we'll see what happens...
There are also certain things I want to write about each day. I'll try to start off each post with a little about my day and how things are going, then I'll talk about the topic of the day. Last I'll be posting my daily tarot reading and how it related to my day. Yeah.
So, yeah, those are the plans...
And according to these plans today is anime day!

Now onto more planned things.
Here's my tarot reading for today:
(I used my Manga Tarot deck)
Theme for the day - Page of Swords
* I could interact with a Page of Swords today - someone who is clever, quick-witted, and critical - or today could be a day full of energy and starting new ventures.
Advice for the day - 3 of Cups
* This card talks about celebrating, having fun, and spending time with friends, family, and loved ones. So... I should do that today.
Well, I do think that retrying this can definitely qualify as starting a new venture so that was right; I haven't really headed the advice yet though... How should I celebrate...? What should I celebrate...?
Anyway, there you have it, so, let's see if I can get back in a good rhythm again.
Ready for the countdown again.
I bet you all missed these.
1 down, 6 to go.
I bet no one even cares that I'm back...
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