Thursday, June 4, 2015

Let's See How Long I'll Stay Around This Time

Hey, everyone!  Sorry I've been gone for so long; I've been meaning to blog recently because I've been doing a lot of interesting things and while I'm in the middle of them I keep thinking, 'Oh, I should blog about this tonight,' but then night time comes around and I either forget to do it or decide that I'm too lazy and go to bed instead...

Sorry I'm such a lousy blogger.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I've been up to some pretty interesting things recently.  I've been sewing more - I've now sewn one elastic-wait-banded skirt, three high-waisted skirts, and two jumperskirts, along with a handful of bags, bows, and wrist cuffs.  (I'm going to be talking about a lot of things that I have pictures of, but unfortunately I'm not going to post those now.  I will hopefully be making individual posts for each of the topics that I touch on at a later date and will put up pictures when I do that)  I've been working with clay and silicone recently too, making lots of cute little charms that I turn into earrings and necklaces and things.

I also went to a convention.  Fanime was just two weeks ago and I had a good time at that.  I'll definitely talk about the stuff I did there in the future and post lots of pictures of all the fun and awesome cosplay that I saw.

I started/caught up with a few anime series.  I caught up with Durarara x2; I'm just waiting for the next season to start on that one (starts in July, can't wait!  They left it on a major cliffhanger, but I'll talk about that later - without spoiling anything of course).  I re-caught up with Kuroko's Basketball again and I almost died because of where they left it off, guh, I need the next episode of that, but fortunately I just have to wait until Saturday.  I also started a new sports anime... because that's basically all I seem to be watching recently... It's called Ace of the Diamond and this one is about baseball.  I'm already on episode 66 (it's so long so far! Why did I do this to myself?!) so I just have about... twenty to go until I'm caught up I think...  Uta no Prince-sama got a new season too (I was pretty surprised, I mean, I liked it, but I didn't think it was popular enough to get a second season, let alone a third), I haven't started it yet, but I plan to once I've caught up with Ace of the Diamond and finished Parasyte (yeah, I still haven't done that :P)

I also start my summer semester Wednesday of next week.  I only have a semester and a half to go (summer is only eight weeks as opposed to the usual sixteen) before I graduate with my AA in Culinary Arts.  I'm pretty excited!  Anyway, I'll be taking Cafe 1 then Cafe 2 and ending with Production Baking.  I don't know how many picture opportunities they'll be in the Cafe classes, but come Production Baking there should be lots of pictures of yummy sweets and things.  I hope people are looking forward to that.

Anyway, I think that's a pretty decent post for now.  Like I mentioned I'll go into more detail and things about the specific things that I've been up to in their own individual posts.

Well, night everyone!

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