Why did I have to make an Adventure Time reference; I don't even like Adventure Time (and that's putting it lightly).
Because I am lazy and tired, I am going to take the cheaters way out and talk about the topic that deal with the least amount of transferring photos from my phone to my computer. Meaning it's time we talk about anime!
Wasn't that what this blog was suppose to be about anyway...?
Anyway, as I said yesterday I have been watching a good amount of anime recently. Let's see, what have a watched since the last time (that wasn't yesterday) since we talked?
I finished Bonjour Sweet Love Patisserie; it was... meh... I mentioned last time that I talked about it that I was kind of over it anyway... the only reason that I even finished it was because the episodes were really short (only about five minutes each) and I was so close to the end anyway that it felt like a waste if I didn't finish.

I never ended up finishing Your Lie in April. I liked it at first; I thought it was cute and I enjoy musical anime usually. I had even gotten myself really determined to finish it, but then the day came when I told myself that I was going to finish it; I was just going to push my way through it and then I realized that I was forcing myself to watch it... And anime is supposed to be fun and something you enjoy, if you're forcing yourself through something - even if it's something that you're not really sure why you're not enjoying, maybe it just doesn't have that special spark that an anime needs to grab you - why watch it? I mean; I understand watching some series that you might not enjoy that much. I forced myself to watch Cowboy Beebop (not to say anything bad about it). The reason was because it's such a pop culture thing in anime that I felt like I had to watch it in order to understand anime more, but I never watch space anime like that; it's totally not my thing (the exception in Outlaw Star, which I absolutely loved, but honestly can't tell you why *cough* it was partly due to Aisha *cough*). I could also understand if you feel like you have to force yourself to watch an anime because a really good friend suggested/wants you to watch it so they have someone to gush about it with, but that can be hard; I try not to do that... But yeah... Moral: Enjoy the anime you are watching; if you don't like it don't watch it. I usually have about a four episode rule when it comes to anime; if it hasn't grabbed me by the end of the fourth episode it probably never will.
Sorry... I kind of went off on a tangent there... The other moral of all that was that I didn't finish Your Lie in April and probably won't try. Yes, I know that's not actually a moral... :P
Alright, on to things I enjoyed now...

Kuroko's Basketball newest season! I'm really enjoying it, and hate/loving Akashi... He just... guh! I hate him because he's evil and manipulative, but he's also adorable and I think it's funny that he's voiced by the same guy as Izaya from Durarara because he totally reminds me of him... or at least... a short, teenage, not as lethal, and not
as much of a horrible person kind of way... The reason I said that is because I like Izaya and since Akashi kind of reminds me of him I think that's part of the reason I like him too, but I also hate him... feelings are hard... Anyway one things I
loved about this newest season is that we've gotten to see the Generation of Miracles back when they
were the Generation of Miracles. Aomine was my favorite character, until Teppei was introduced, but now thanks to this new season he's back to being my favorite. It was so awesome and adorable getting to see him in middle school and see how he and Kuroko met and got along before he started losing his love for baseball. The season has been hard on me too though because it was kind of painful to watch Aomine's disdain for the sport, that he had so adored in the beginning, grow. Anyway, I'm excited for tomorrow because the newest episode is going to come out and I can't wait because I

I finished the first season of Durarara x2. It's good, so far; I mean, I loved the first segment of Durarara so I would have been surprised if I didn't like this one. But man is it intense. A few new characters have been introduced, Aoba being the most notable. I have a love/hate things going for Aoba to, but I probably shouldn't go into that much... I'm not sure if it's spoiler territory or not, but I want to trend carefully so I'll avoid it. Anyway, the last episode of the season killed me. I can't go into much detail obviously, but I'll explain my pain. You see, I've been trying to read the light novels for the series for quite some time - unfortunately my attempts have all been thwarted because no one's completely translated the second volume and I obviously don't want to read any of the others until I've read that one, but in all my searchings I ran across a spoiler. It was a decently big spoiler, but it didn't ruin it for me, in fact it made me that much more obsessed with trying to read the series because I needed to know how things got to that point. Well, that scene came up... and I knew that it was the scene that had been spoiled to be the moment I saw a certain thing so I was prepared, but then it happened and I found out that I wasn't prepared at all... It was crazy... And then the episode ended with something that I had
no idea was going to happen and that was crazy and
almost caused my heart more pain than the first thing.
Wow... that's probably didn't make sense to anyone... Oh well...
As said yesterday I also started watching Ace of the Diamond and I am almost caught up ( I only have three episodes left), but I'm not really in the mood to talk about it right now, mostly because I've typed a lot tonight already. I'm really liking it though - a lot - so I'll definitely have to give it it's own post or something later.
Alright, I think I've typed enough.
I'll proabaly be posting craft stuff tomorrow since I have a class.
See you then.
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