Monday, August 4, 2014

Tarot Reading 8/4/2014

I know I haven't been posting like I normally do, but I'll get back to that soon; I promise - not that there's really anyone that cares...

What I should do today - 10 of Cups
* Be happy, spend time with friends and family.
What I shouldn't do today - VIII-Justice
* Reading as reversed: Don't be dishonest with myself
Unexpected - Queen of Staves
* This could be talking about my boss, but I don't know why that would be put in unexpected, I'm going to work today so I'm going to see her...
Theme - 9 of Pentacles
* Today is about hard work
Advice - XV-Temptation
* Don't give into temptation.

All done, hopefully I'll see you tonight.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tarot Reading 8/3/2014

Sorry I've been gone so long.

What I should do today - Princess of Cups
* Be myself.
What I shouldn't do today - King of Cups
* Don't be manipulative and controlling, don't be withdrawn or moody.
Unexpected - XXI-Oppression
* In other decks this card is called The Tower, this is not good...
Theme - Ace of Staves
* Beginning of a creative venture
Advice - The World
* Something needs to come to an end

Gah, The Tower... Let's see how I fare against it...